Forte invests in research on increased participation for persons with functional impairment

Forte grants SEK 54 million to research on functional impairment. In total, 14 research projects, postdocs and junior researchers are awarded. The research will contribute to deeper knowledge of increased participation for people with disabilities in society.
How can people with disabilities be included in the design process for e-health services? Is sexuality an access issue? Does legislation promote active participation for people with disabilities? These questions, and many more, will now be examined with funding from Forte.
The applications that have been granted funding were submitted through the call for proposals Research on functional impairment 2018. The call focused on obstacles to, and solutions for, increased participation. The focus was determined in collaboration with authorities as well as user organisations.

“It has been an important process to find focus areas that respond to a real research need. In particular, I would like to mention the collaboration with The Swedish Agency for Participation, which have given many and important contributions regarding the design of this call for proposals”, says Dag Hervieu, responsible for the initiative, and research officer at Forte.
And the outcome of the call for proposals is successful. Claes Möller, professor in medical disability research and member of Forte’s board, thinks the funded research shows a great breadth and geographical spread.
“Research on functional impairment involves a complex interaction between bio-psycho-social levels. Amongst the granted applications we find research that links together phenomena and levels, and that combines several different methods and approaches. This will bring synergies and new knowledge regarding disabilities”, says Claes Möller.
In total, 147 applications were submitted, out of which seven project applications, three postdoc applications and four junior researcher applications were granted funding.
For a list of the granted projects, including project titles, project leaders and granted funds, see the page Grant decisions.